Wisconsin Public Employee Safety and Health Poster
The Public Employee Safety and Health is a labor law posters poster by the Wisconsin Department Of Workforce Development. This poster is mandatory for some employers, including public sector employers.
This poster must be posted in a conspicuous place by all public sector employers so employees can see it. This poster describes the health and safety regulations in the public sector and describes when an inspection can be requested, when this law is enforced, and what happens to employers who discriminate against employees for exercising their rights in accordance with this law.
WI All-In-One Labor Poster: Instead of printing out dozens of posters, employers can also purchase an all-in-one poster that covers both Wisconsin and Federal poster requirements by clicking here .
SBD -9301P (0 4/17) Pu b li c Empl oy e e Sa fet y an d Health Authority Wisconsin statu te section 101.055 requires the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services to adopt and enforce safety and health standards that will provide protection to public employees at least equal to that provided to private sector employees under standards promulgated by Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Inspection A public employee or public employee representative who believes that a safety or health standard is being violated, or that a situation exists which poses a recognized hazard likely to cause death or serious physical harm, may request the department to conduct an inspection. If the requestor so designates, the identity of the requestor will be kept confidential. If the department decides not to make an inspection, the requestor will be notified. A representative of the employer and a public employee representative will be permitted to accompany the department inspector during the inspection. The employee shall not be discriminated against with respect to either pay received or withheld for time spent on the inspection. Enforcement If the department finds a violation of state standards, abatement orders will be issued to the employe r. The employer shall post a copy of the orders at or near the site of the violations for 3 days or until the violation is corrected, whichever is longe r. Copies of the order will be sent to the top elected official, the bargaining unit and to the person requesting the inspection. If the department decides not to issue orders in response to a request, a written notice of that decision shall be sent to the public employee who requested the investigation. If decisions are disputed they will be reviewed. Disc rimination No public employer may discriminate against or discharge any public employee for exercising any right afforded by his section. A state employee who believes he or she has been discriminated against may file a complaint with the personnel commission within 30 days of employee ’s receipt of knowledge of the discrimination. A public employee, other than a state employee, may file a complaint with the state Division of Equal Rights within 30 days. Fo r mor e information , contact: Wisconsi n Departmen t of Safet y and Professiona l Services Industry Services Division PO Box 7302 1400 E Washington Ave. Madison , WI 5370 7-7302 608 -266 -2112 PUBLI C EMPLOYER S AR E REQUIRE D TO POS T THI S NOTICE WHER E NOTICE S TO EMPLOYE ES AR E USUAL LY POSTED
Other Wisconsin Labor Law Posters 4 PDFS
There are an additional nineteen optional and mandatory Wisconsin labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print all relevant state labor law posters, as well as all mandatory federal labor law posters.
View all 20 Wisconsin labor law posters
Get a 2025 Wisconsin all-in-one labor law poster
Instead of printing out pages of mandatory Wisconsin and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all Wisconsin and federal posting requirements. Fully updated for 2025!
Get 2025 All-In-One Poster NowPoster Sources:
- Original poster PDF https://dsps.wi.gov/Documents/Programs/PublicSafety/SBD9301.pdf , updated February 2023
- Wisconsin Labor Law Posters at http://dwd.wisconsin.gov/dwd/posters.htm
- Wisconsin Department Of Workforce Development
While we do our best to keep our list of Wisconsin labor law posters up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the poster on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.