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First Aid Free Printable Workplace Posters First Aid Free Printable Workplace Posters

LaborPosters.org has a collection of thirteen free printable First Aid posters that may be useful for relevant businesses to post.

All businesses will also need to post the Federal Department of Labor's mandatory posters as well as any state mandatory labor law posters.

These posters, published by various organizations including the Red Cross, provide essential information on providing emergency first-aid in the workplace. Important topics covered include first-aid for choking, AED usage, CPR, and treatment of severe allergic reactions.

Is My Business Required To Post First-Aid Information Or Have A First-Aid Kit?

While the posters provided here are not required by federal law, some states may have requirements regarding display of first aid information. Additionally, many states require food establishments to display choking first-aid posters.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standard 1910.151 (b) requires that certain businesses provide "adequate first aid supplies...readily available" as well as, in some situations, train personnel in first-aid. It is important to remember that instructional posters cannot replace professional first-aid training.

RECOMMENDED: 326 Piece, 100 Person ANSI 2009 Workplace First Aid Kit

This first aid kit meets OSHA's recommended ANSI 2009 standards, providing adequate first-aid supplies for up to 100 people.

Buy Now on Amazon

Other First Aid Workplace Posters 13 PDFS

There are an additional thirteen First Aid workplace posters that are either optional, or mandatory only for a certain type of employer. Be sure to check this list carefully to see which posters are relevant to your business.

Poster Type Poster Name Who Must Post Description

Health Notice

Free First Aid Choking First Aid Poster (Adult, Child, Infant) PDF
Choking First Aid Poster (Adult, Child, Infant) Optional This poster provides basic instructions for providing emergency choking first aid (Heimlich maneuver)

Health Notice

Free First Aid Red Cross Adult CPR PDF
Red Cross Adult CPR Optional This poster by the Red Cross provides basic instructions for performing manual CPR on an adult

Health Notice

Free First Aid Red Cross Infant / Baby CPR PDF
Red Cross Infant / Baby CPR Optional This poster by the Red Cross provides basic instructions for performing manual CPR on an infant

Health Notice

Free First Aid Red Cross Child Choking PDF
Red Cross Child Choking Optional This poster by the Red Cross provides first-aid instructions for a choking child

Health Notice

Free First Aid Red Cross Child CPR PDF
Red Cross Child CPR Optional This poster by the Red Cross provides basic instructions for performing manual CPR on a child

Health Notice

Free First Aid Child & Infant Emergency First Aid PDF
Child & Infant Emergency First Aid Optional This poster by St. John Ambulance provides basic instructions on providing children & infants emergency first aid for choking, CPR, or severe bleeding

Health Notice

Free First Aid Adult Emergency First Aid PDF
Adult Emergency First Aid Optional This poster by St. John Ambulance provides basic instructions on providing adult emergency first aid for choking, CPR, or severe bleeding

Health Notice

Free First Aid Red Cross Adult Choking PDF
Red Cross Adult Choking Optional This poster by the Red Cross provides first-aid instructions for a choking adult

Health Notice

Free First Aid Red Cross AED Instructions PDF
Red Cross AED Instructions Optional This poster by the Red Cross provides basic instructions for use of an AED (Automated External Defibrillator)

Health Notice

Free First Aid Allergic Reaction Anaphylaxis Epipen Usage PDF
Allergic Reaction Anaphylaxis Epipen Usage Optional Instructions on using an EpiPenĀ® auto injector for treating life-threatening allergic reactions (anaphylaxis)

Health Notice

Free First Aid Red Cross Severe Allergic Reactions PDF
Red Cross Severe Allergic Reactions Optional This poster by the Red Cross informs how to treat a severe allergic reaction with an epinephrine auto-injector

First Aid

Free First Aid Choking & CPR Poster for Infants and Children  PDF
Choking & CPR Poster for Infants and Children Optional This set of 2 posters by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) instructs on how to perform CPR and the Heimlich anti-choking maneuver on children and infants.

First Aid

Free First Aid DHS "Stop The Bleed" Tourniquet Poster PDF
DHS "Stop The Bleed" Tourniquet Poster Optional This poster by the Department of Homeland Security illustrates how to properly apply a tourniquet to a bleeding limb.
Poster Type Poster Name Who Must Post Description

Get a 2025 Federal all-in-one labor law poster

Instead of printing out pages of mandatory state and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all federal and state posting requirements. Fully updated for 2025!

Get 2025 All-In-One Poster Now

Printed all of your First Aid workplace posters? Be sure to check out the free federal labor law posters page to ensure that you comply with Department of Labor mandatory posting laws.

Disclaimer: While we do our best to keep this list of First Aid labor law postings up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is a poster on this page missing or out-of-date? Please let us know so we can fix it!

** This Document Provided By LaborPosters.org **
Source: http://www.laborposters.org/first-aid.htm