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California Free Printable Labor Law Posters Posters California Minimum Wage Poster Required

 Minimum Wage Poster PDF

The Minimum Wage Poster is a labor law posters poster by the California Department Of Industrial Relations. This is a mandatory posting for all employers in California, and businesses who fail to comply may be subject to fines or sanctions.

The California minimum wage poster is a mandatory posting for all employers. As of 2024, businesses must pay their workers no less than $16.00 per hour. This poster must be posted next to the establishment's IWC, or the "Industry Occupation Order".

In 2024, special higher minimum wages were also implemented for fast food restaurant employers (effective April 1 2024), and healthcare facility employers (effective June 1 2024).

In previous years, companies with 25 or fewer employees were eligible to pay a lower minimum wage rate. As of 2023, this is no longer the case, and all employers must pay the same minimum wage regardless of number of employees.

The poster also displays the history of previous rates in the state of California, and a table listing permissible meal and lodging credits rates as part of the minimum wage obligation.

Note that California's minimum wage order does does not apply to outside salespersons or individuals who are directly related to the employer (including spouses).

It should also be noted that a growing number of cities and counties in California, including Los Angeles, San Francisco, and San Diego, have their own minimum wage ordinances, and may require their own local minimum wage poster.

CA All-In-One Labor Poster: Instead of printing out dozens of posters, employers can also purchase an all-in-one poster that covers both California and Federal poster requirements by clicking here .



Amends General

California Minimum Wage

Every employer, regardless of the number of employees, shall pay to each employee wages not less than the following:

Effective January 1, 2025, Minimum Wage: $16.50 per hour *See Sec. 2 below
Effective January 1, 2024, Minimum Wage: $16.00 per hour
Effective January 1, 2023, Minimum Wage: $15.50 per hour

Employers with 25 or Fewer Employees*

January 1, 2022

Employers with 26 or More Employees *



*Employees treated as employed by a single qualified taxpayer pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code section 23626 are treated as employees of that single taxpayer. To
employers and representatives of persons working in industries and occupations in the State of California:
TAKE NOTICE that on April 4, 2016, the Governor of California signed legislation passed by the California Legislature, raising the minimum wage for all industries. (SB 3,
Stats of 2016, amending section 1182.12. of the California Labor Code.) and, in 2023, raised the minimum wage payable by certain Fast Food Restaurant employers (AB 1228,
Stats. 2023) and Healthcare Facility employers (SB 525, Stats. 2023; SB 828, Stats. 2024; and SB 159, Stats. 2024). Pursuant to its authority under Labor Code section 1182.13,
the Department of Industrial Relations amends and republishes Sections 2, 3, and 5 of the General Minimum Wage Order, MW-2025. Section 1, Applicability, and Section
4, Separability, have not been changed. Consistent with these enactments, amendments are made to the minimum wage, and the meals and lodging credits sections of all of the
IWC's industry and occupation orders.
This summary must be made available to employees in accordance with the IWC's wage orders. Copies of the full text of the amended wage orders may be obtained by
downloading online at https://www.dir.ca.gov/iwc/WageOrderIndustries.htm or by contacting your local Division of Labor Standards Enforcement office.
The provisions of this Order shall not apply to outside salespersons and individuals who are the parent, spouse, or children of the employer previously contained in this Order
and the IWC's industry and occupation orders. Exceptions and modifications provided by statute or in Section 1, Applicability, and in other sections of the IWC's industry
and occupation orders may be used where such provisions are enforceable and applicable to the employer.
Every employer shall pay to each employee wages not less than those stated above, on each effective date, per hour for all hours worked, except the following who shall pay no less than
the specified minimum wage to each employee: Fast Food Restaurant employers under Part 4.5.5, of Division 2 of the Labor Code (commencing with Labor Code section 1474),
effective April 1, 2024; and Healthcare Facility employers under Labor Code section 1182.14, effective October 16, 2024. Note: Supplements to this order containing minimum wage
rates applicable for Fast Food Restaurant and Healthcare Facility employees, respectively, are available online at the website address in the Summary of Actions above.
When credit for meals or lodging is used to meet part of the employer's minimum wage obligation, the amounts so credited pursuant to a voluntary written agreement may not be
more than the following:
For an employer who employs:
Room occupied alone
Room shared
Apartment – two thirds (2/3) of the
ordinary rental value, and in no event
more than:
Where a couple are both employed by the
employer, two thirds (2/3) of the ordinary
rental value, and in no event more than:

JANUARY 1, 2022
26 or More
25 or Fewer

JANUARY 1, 2023
All Employers regardless of
number of Employees

JANUARY 1, 2024
All Employers regardless of
number of Employees

JANUARY 1, 2025
All Employers regardless of
number of Employees











Meals or lodging may not be credited against the minimum wage without a voluntary written agreement between the employer and the employee. When credit for meals or
lodging is used to meet part of the employer's minimum wage obligation, the amounts so credited may not be more than the amounts stated in the table above.

If the application of any provision of this Order, or any section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, word or portion of this Order should be held invalid,
unconstitutional, unauthorized, or prohibited by statute, the remaining provisions thereof shall not be affected thereby, but shall continue to be given full force and effect as if
the part so held invalid or unconstitutional had not been included herein.
This Order amends the minimum wage and meals and lodging credits in MW-2024, as well as in the IWC’s industry and occupation orders. (See Orders 1-15, Secs. 4 and 10;
and Order 16, Secs. 4 and 9.) This Order makes no other changes to the IWC’s industry and occupation orders.
These Amendments to the Wage Orders shall be in effect as of January 1, 2025.
Questions about enforcement should be directed to the Labor Commissioner's Office. For the address and telephone number of the office nearest you, information can be found
on the internet at www.dir.ca.gov/DLSE/dlse.html or under a search for “California Labor Commissioner's Office” on the internet or any other directory. The Labor Commissioner
has offices in the following cities: Bakersfield, El Centro, Fresno, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Oakland, Redding, Sacramento, Salinas, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Francisco,
San Jose, Santa Ana, Santa Barbara, Santa Rosa, Stockton, and Van Nuys.


Other California Labor Law Posters 4 PDFS

There are an additional 33 optional and mandatory California labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print all relevant state labor law posters, as well as all mandatory federal labor law posters.

View all 34 California labor law posters

Get a 2025 California all-in-one labor law poster

Instead of printing out pages of mandatory California and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all California and federal posting requirements. Fully updated for 2025!

Get 2025 All-In-One Poster Now

Poster Sources:


While we do our best to keep our list of California labor law posters up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the poster on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By LaborPosters.org **
Source: http://www.laborposters.org/california/447-california-minimum-wage-poster.htm