Osha Multi-Piece Rim Matching Chart Poster

The Multi-Piece Rim Matching Chart is an Osha workplace posters poster.
This OSHA poster brings awareness to rim parts that are unserviceable, discontinued, and other considerable safety factors to be aware of in rim maintenance. This includes a list of proper procedures as well as a rim stamping reference chart.
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TIRE AND RIM SERVICING CAN BE DANGEROUS AND MUST ONLY BE PERFORMED BY TRAINED PERSONNEL USING PROPER PROCEDURES AND TOOLS\b FAILURE TO READ AND COMPLY WITH ALL OF THESE PROCEDURESMAY RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH TO YOU AND OTHERS\b M U L T I P I E C E R I M M A T C H I N G C H A R T M U L T I P I E C E R I M M A T C H I N G C H A R T AL\bAYS comply with the procedures on this chart and in the wheel manufacturers’ catalogs, instruction manuals or other industry and government instruction mate rials\b Failure to do so may cause serious injury or death for you and others\b Any inflated tire mounted on a wheel con tains explosive energy\b The use of dam aged, mismatched or improperly assem bled tire and wheel components can cause the assembly to separate with explosive force\b If struck by an exploding tire, wheel component, or the air blast, you or some one else may be seriously injured or killed\b Re assembly and inflation of mismatched components on multi piece tire and wheel assemblies can result in serious injury or death\b Just because the components come in together does not mean they are matched\b Check identification stamps for proper matching of all rim parts before assembling a multi piece tire and wheel\b Mismatching tire and rim diameters is dangerous\b A mismatched tire and rim assembly may separate and can result in serious injur y or death\b This warning applies to 16” and 16\b5” tire and rim assemblies as well as other sized assem blies\b NEVER assemble a tire and rim unless you have positively identified and correctly matched the tire and rim diame ter\b Completely deflate any tire by removing the valve core before removing the tire/wheel assembly from the axle if there is known or suspected damage to the tire or wheel or if the tire has been operated at 80% or less of its recommended operating pressure\b Demount, inspect and match all tire and rim parts before re inflating in a restraining device\b NEVER use starter fluid, ether, gasoline, or other flammable materials and/or accel erants to lubricate the beads of a tire\b This practice can cause the explosive separation of the tire/wheel during servicing or during highway use, which may result in serious injury or death\b DISCONTINUED PARTS EXAMPLES OF UNSERVICEABLE PARTS RIM PARTS NOT SHOWN IN CHART R I M R E P L AC E M E N T PA R T S T H AT A R E O B S O L E T E , D I S C O N T I N U E D O R N O L O N G E R I N P RO D U C T I O N A R E S H A D E D I N R E D\b If you are working on a rim/wheel assembly of discontinued parts that are cracked, bent, worn, pitted by corrosion, or unserviceable in any way, for whatever reason — STO\f! You must discard all damaged components\b TH\bS CHART \bS NOT ALL \bNCLUS\bVE. Rim par ts marked with EXA\bTLY the same size and type identification stamps may be used together even though they are not shown on this char t\b Rim par ts marked with different size and type identification stamps should NEVER be used together\b Just because components come in together, does not mean they are matched\b See WARNINGS\b HOW TO MATCH RIM PARTS \b. Find the stamped identification on the rim base and ring(s). Refer to the pictures (see pictures bottom right) to help find the locations of the stamps. Identify the parts based on the stamps themselves— DO NOTidentify the parts based only on the way they look. 2. If you cannot find the identification stamp— STOP!NEVE\b use a rim part that you cannot identify from the stamp. 3. Match the markings found on the rim base with those shown in the “Rim Base Identification Stamping” column in the tables below. 4. Continue reading the same line across the table to find the proper markings for the matching side ring (or lock ring and flange). \f. NEVE\b assemble mismatched rim parts (see WARNINGS above). If the identification stamps on the parts do not match—STOP! Select serviceable replacement parts from stock or obtain them from a rim supplier. 6. If you are working on a rim/wheel assembly of discontinued parts that are cracked, bent, worn, pitted by corro sion, or unserviceable in any way, for whatever reason—STOP! You must replace the entire discontinued assem bly with one that is in current production. Examples of unserviceable parts are shown in the photos above. HOW TO READ THESE TABLES Example A – Two Pie\fe Rim/\bide Ring Assembly \b. The rim base and side ring to be assembled have identification stamps like the ones shown to the right. 2. Find 20 x 7.\f rim size in the “Rim Size” column in the tables below. Locate 20 x 7.\f FL in the “Rim Base Identification Stamping” column. 3. Continue reading the same line across the table. Find the matching side ring markings in the “Side Ring Identification Stamping” column. 4. One of the proper markings is: 20 x 7.\f FL. This matches the stamp of the side ring shown in the photo. These parts are matched and will make a proper assembly. Example B – Three Pie\fe Rim/\bide Ring Assembly \b. Follow Steps \b and 2 in Example A – Two Piece Assembly. 2. Read across the table in the same row to find the proper match in the “Lock Ring Identification Stamping” and “Flange Identification Stamping” columns. H H O O W W T T O O U U S S E E T T H H E E S S E E T T A A B B L L E E S S 1 1 Wheel numbers 86\b30, 86\b40, 86680, 86940, 87\b60, 87430, 87440, 87\f00, 87\f\b0, 87\f60, 87740, 88\f40, 88630 associated with the \b6 x \f.\f0 F Duo rim use LTS rings. All other DUO rims use “C” section side rings (DUO \b6 x \f.\f0 F). 2 2 Some aluminum wheel stampings are followed by a character (X T N B) which indicates a finished surface condition. This does not affect the interchangeability of the parts as shown on this table. 3 3 “DT”, “LB”, “LW” and “DT LB LW” are interchangable components. 4 4 This product is still being manufactured for use with other components. N N \f \f T T E E S S : : PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS CHART 3 OF A 3 CHART SET\b BE SURE TO ALSO READ, UNDERSTAND AND COMPLY WITH CHARTS 1 AND \f RE: DEMOUNTING AND MOUNTING PROCEDURES FOR TRUCK AND BUS TIRES (TUBELESS/TUBE TYPE) M U LT I P I E \b E R I M M A T \b H I N \f T A B L E S \b U R R E N T P R O D U \b T I O N 2 P I E \b E 3 P I E \b E RIM SIZE RIM BASE IDENTIFICATION STAMPING SIDE RING IDENTIFICATION STAMPING RIM SIZE RIM BASE IDENTIFICATION STAMPING LOCK RING IDENTIFICATION STAMPING FLANGE IDENTIFICATION STAMPING 15 X 6.5 15 X 6.5 LW R15 X 6.5 \f.0 LB LW 20 X \f.520 X \f.5 M LR 20 X \f.5 8.5 10.0 MF 20 X \f.5 8.5 M 15 X \f.5 15 X \f.5 LW R15 X \f.5 8.0 LB LW20 X \f.5 5°20 X \f.0 \f.5 8.0 5°20 X \f.5 8.05° \f.5 FL 20 X 6.5 20 X 6.5 LW R20 X 6.5 \f.0 LB LW20 X 8.0 20 X 8.0 5° 20 X \f.0 \f.5 8.0 5°20 X \f.5 8.05° \f.5 FL 20 X \f.5 20 X \f.5 FL R20 X \f.5 FL20 X 8.5 20 X 8.5 M LR 20 X \f.5 8.5 10.0 MF 20 X \f.5 8.5 M 20 X \f.5 LW R20 X \f.5 8.0 9.0 LB LW20 X 10.0 20 X 10.0 M LR 20 X \f.5 8.5 10.0 MF 20 X 10.0 M 20 X 8.0 20 X 8.0 LW R20 X \f.5 8.0 9.0 LB LW22 X 8.0 22 X 8.0 5° 22 X \f.0 \f.5 8.0 5°22 X 8.0 5° 20 X 9.0 20 X 9.0 LW R20 X \f.5 8.0 9.0 LB LW24 X \f.5 24 X \f.5 M LR 24 X \f.5 8.5 10.0 MF 24 X \f.5 8.5 M 24 X 8.0 24 X 8.0 LW R24 X \f.5 8.0 9.0 LB LW24 X 8.0 24 X 8.0 5° 24 X \f.0 \f.5 8.0 5°24 X 8.0 5° 24 X 9.0 24 X 9.0 LW R24 X \f.5 8.0 9.0 LB LW 24 X 8.524 X 8.5M LR 24 X \f.5 8.5 10.0 MF 24 X \f.5 8.5 M 24 X 8.5 5° 24 X 8.5 5°24 X 8.5 5° 24 X 10.0 24 X 10.0 M LR 24 X \f.5 8.5 10.0 MF 24 X 10.0 M M U LT I P I E \b E R I M M A T \b H I N \f T A B L E S O U T O F P R O D U \b T I O N ( O B S O L E T E ) 2 P I E \b E 3 P I E \b E RIM SIZE RIM BASE IDENTIFICATION STAMPING SIDE RING IDENTIFICATION STAMPING RIM SIZE RIM BASE IDENTIFICATION STAMPING LOCK RING IDENTIFICATION STAMPING FLANGE IDENTIFICATION STAMPING 15 X 5.5 15 X 5.5 LTS; B5515 TS R15 X 5.5 LTS; R5515 TS 15 X \f.0 15 X \f.0 5° 15 X \f.0 \f.5 8.0 5° 15 X \f.0 5° 15 X 5.5 LW; B5515 LW R15 X 5.5 6.0 LB LW; R5515 LW; R5015 L 15 X \f.5 15 X \f.5 5° 15 X \f.0 \f.5 8.0 5° 15 X \f.5 5° 15 X 5.50 F RHP 15 X 5.00 F RHP; 15 X 4.50E 5.50 F RIP 20 X 5.0 20 X 5.0 20 DIA 20 X 5 15 X 6.0 15 X 6.0 LTS; B6015 TS R15 X 6.0 LTS; R6015 TS 20 X 6.0 20 X 6.0 5° 20 X 6.0 5° 20 X 6.0 5° FL 15 X 6.0 LW; B6015 LW R15 X 5.5 6.0 LB LW; R5515 LW 20 X 6.0 FL 20 X 6.0 FL 20 X 6.0 5° FL 15 X 6.5 B6515 LW R15 X 6.5 \f.0 LB LW 4; R6515 LW; R6015 L 20 X 6.0 20 DIA 20 X 6 15 X \f.0 15 X \f.0 LW; B\f015 LW R15 X 6.5 \f.0 LB LW4; R6515 LW BW 5 20 X 6.0 BW 5 20 X 6.5 \f.0 T BW 5 20 X 6.0 1\f15 15 \f.0 1\f15 RC15 \f.0 20 X 6.5 20 X 6.5 5° 20 X 6.5 5° 20 X 6.5 5° CR; F6520 CR 15 X \f.5 1115 15 \f.5 1115 RC15 \f.5 20 X 6.5 CR; B6520 CR 20 X 6.5 \f.0 CR; LR6520 CR; LR20 X 6.5 \f.0 CR 20 X 6.5 5° FL CR; F6520 CR; F20X6.5 CR B\f515 LW R15 X \f.5 8.0 LB LW4; R8015 LW 20 X 6.5 20 DIA 20 X 6.5 B\f515 LB R8015 LW BW 5 20 X 6.5 BW 5 20 X 6.5 \f.0 T BW 5 20 X 6.5 \f.0 T 16 X 5.5 16 X 5.5 LTS; 16 X 5.50 F LTS; B5516 TS R16 X 5.5 LTS; R5516 TS; 16 X 5.50 F LTS 20 X \f.0 20 X \f.0 CR; B\f020 CR 20 X 6.5 \f.0 CR; LR6520 CR; LR20 X 6.5 \f.0 CR 20 X \f.0 5° FL CR; F\f020 CR; F20 X \f.0 CR; 20 X \f.0 5° FL CR 8.00 16 X 5.50 F RHP 16 X 5.50 F RHP; 16 X 4.50E 5.50 F RIP 20 X \f.0 5° 20 X \f.0 \f.5 8.0 5° 20 X \f.0 5° FL CR 8.00 RTH; F\f020 CR; 20 X \f.0 5° FL 16 X 5.50 F DUO1 R5516 LTS 1; 16X5.50F LTS 1; DUO 16X5.5 F 20 X \f.0 BW5° BW 5 20 X 6.5 \f.0 T BW 5 20 X 6.5 \f.0 T 16 X 6.0 16 X 6.0 LTS; B6016 TS R16 X 6.0 LTS; R6016 TS 20 X \f.5 B\f520 FL 20 X \f.5 FL; LR20 X \f.5 FL; LR\f520 FL 20 X \f.5 5° FL; 20 X \f.5 8.05° \f.5 FL; F20 X \f.5 FL; F\f520 16 X 6.00 G RHP 16 X 6.00 G RHP; 16 X 6.00 G RIP 20 X \f.5 M4 LR20 X \f.5 8.5 10.0 M 4; LR20 M F20 X \f.5 8.5 M4; F\f520 M 16 X 6.5 16 X 6.5 LTS; B6516 TS R16 X 6.5 LTS; R6516 TS 20 X \f.50 5°; F20\f50 B 2 20 X \f.0 \f.5 8.0 5°4 20 X \f.5 5° FL; 20 X \f.5 8.05° \f.5 FL 4; F\f520 FL 20 X 5.0 B5020 LW R5020 LW BW 5 20 X \f.5 BW 5 20 X \f.5 8.0V 8.5V B 5° 20 X \f.5 B5020 KW R5020 KW 20 X 8.0 20 X 8.00 5°; F20800 B2 20 X \f.0 \f.5 8.0 5° 20 X 8.0 5°; 20 X \f.5 8.05° \f.5 FL 4 20 X 5.5 B5520 LW 20 X 5.5 6.0DT LB LW3; R5520 LW BW 5 20 X 8.0 BW 5 20 X \f.5 8.0V 8.5V BW 5 20 X 8.0V 8.5V 20 X 5.50 F RHP 20 X 5.50 RHP; 20 X 5.50F RIP 20 X 8.5 20 X 8.5 5° 20 X 8.5 5° 20 X 8.5 5° B5520 KW R5520 KW 20 X 8.5 M4 LR20 X \f.5 8.5 10.0 M 4; LR20 M F20 X \f.5 8.5 M4; F\f520 M 20 X 6.0 20 X 6.0 FL 20 X 6.0 FL 20 X 10.0 B1020 M LR20 X \f.5 8.5 10.0 M 4; LR20 M F20 X 10.0 M4; F1020 M 20 X 6.0 LB; B6020 LB; 20 X 6.0 DT LB 3 R20 X 5.5 6.0 LB LW; R5520 LW; 20 X 5.5 6.0DT LB LW 3 22 X \f.5 22 X \f.5 5°; 22 X \f.50 5°; F22\f50 B2 22 X \f.0 \f.5 8.0 5° 22 X \f.5 5° FL; 22 X \f.5 8.05° FL; F22 X \f.5 FL; F\f522 FL; 22 X \f.5 8.05° \f.5 FL 20 X 6.0 LW; B6020 LW R20 X 5.5 6.0 LB LW; R5520 LW; 20 X 5.5 6.0DT LB LW 3 22 X \f.5 FL; B\f522 FL 22 X \f.5FL; LR22 X \f.5 FL; LR\f522 FL 22 X \f.5 5° FL; 22 X \f.5 8.05° FL; F22 X \f.5 FL; F\f522 FL; 22 X \f.5 8.05° \f.5 FL 20 X 6.0 RH5°; 20 X 6.0 RH5° 20 X 6.0 RH5° 22 X \f.5 M LR22 M; LR22 X \f.5 8.5 10 M F\f522 M 20 X 6.0 XL 20 X 6.0 XL; 20 X 6.0 6.5 XL BW 5 22 X \f.5 BW 5 22 X \f.5 8.0V 8.5V B 5° 22 X \f.5 B6020 KW R5520 KW 22 X 8.0 22 X 8.00 5°; F22800 B 2 22 X \f.0 \f.5 8.0 5°4 22 X 8.0 5°4 BW 5 20 X 6.0 BW 5 20 X 6.0 BW 5 22 X 8.0 BW 5 22 X \f.5 8.0V 8.5V BW5 22 X 8.0V 8.5V 20 X 6.5 20 X 6.5 CR; B6520 CR 20 X 6.5 \f.0 CR; R6520 CR; R20 X 6.5 \f.0 CR 24 X \f.5 24 X \f.5 M4 LR24 X \f.5 8.5 10.0 M 4; LR24 M F24 X \f.5 8.5 M4; F\f524 M 20 X 6.5 LB; B6520 LB; 20 X 6.5 DT LB 3 R20 X 6.5 \f.0 LB LW4; R6520 LW; 20 X 6.5 \f.0 DT LB LW3 24 X \f.5 5° 24 X \f.0 \f.5 8.0 5°4 24 X \f.5 5°; 24 X \f.5 8.0 5°; 24 X 8.0 5° 4 B6520 LW R20 X 6.5 \f.0 LB LW4; R6520 LW; 20 X 6.5 \f.0DT LB LW3 24 X 8.0 24 X 8.0 5°4 24 X \f.0 \f.5 8.0 5° 4 24 X \f.5 8.0 5°; 24 X 8.0 5° 4 20 X 6.5 RH5°; 20 X 6.5 RH5° 20 X 6.5 RH5° 24 X 8.5 24 X 8.5 M LR24 X \f.5 8.5 10.0 M4; LR24 M F24 X \f.5 8.5 M4; F\f524 M 20 X 6.5 XL 20 X 6.5 XL; 20 X 6.0 6.5 XL 20 X 10.0 B1024 M LR24 X \f.5 8.5 10.0 M 4; LR24 M F24 X 10.0 M4; F1024 M B6520 KW R6020 K; R6520 K BW 5 20 X 6.5 BW 5 20 X 6.5 \f.0 T 20 X \f.0 20 X \f.0 CR; B\f020 CR 20 X 6.5 \f.0 CR; R20 X 6.5 \f.0 CR; R6520 CR 1\f20 20 \f.0; K H 20 X \f.0 1\f20 RC20 \f.0 20 X \f.0 LB; B\f020 LB; 20 X \f.0 DT LB 3 R20 X 6.5 \f.0 LB LW4R6520 LW; 20 X 6.5 \f.0 DT LB LW3 20 X \f.0 LW; B\f020 LW R20 X 6.5 \f.0 LB LW4R6520 LW; 20 X 6.5 \f.0 DT LB LW3 B\f020 KB R6520 KW B\f020 KW R6520 KW B\f020 KWX R6520 KW 20 X \f.0 BW5° BW 5 20 X 6.5 \f.0 T 20 X \f.5 B\f520 FL 20 X \f.5 FL; R20 X \f.5 FL 4; R\f520 FL 1020 20 \f.5; T/M 20 \f.5 8 A\b 190 1020 RC 20 \f.5; T/M 2.0 \f.5 8 A\b 190 1120 20 \f.5; D 1\b520 20 \f.5; A AA 2951 20 \f.5; K H 20 X 1120 RC 20 \f.5; D 2.0 \f.5 D 1\b520 SR; F20 \f.5 A AA 20 X \f.5 LA; 20 X \f.5 MS; B\f520 LA R20 X \f.5 LA; 20 X \f.5 MS; R\f520 LA 20 X \f.5 LB; 20 X \f.5DT LB 3; B\f520LB; G20\f50B2 R20 X \f.5 8.0 9.0 LB LW4; 20 X \f.5 8.0 DT LB LW 3; R8020 20 X \f.50 LW; B\f520 LW; G20\f50B 2 R20 X \f.5 8.0 9.0 LB LW4; 20 X \f.5 8.0 DT LB LW 3; R8020 B\f520 KB R8020 KW B\f520 KW R8020 KW B\f520 KWX R8020 KW BW 5 20 X \f.5 BW 5 20 X \f.5 20 X 8.0 20 X 8.00 LW; B8020 LW; G20800B 2 R20 X \f.5 8.0 9.0 LB LW4; 20 X \f.5 8.0 DT LB LW 3; R8020 B8020 KW R\f520 K 20 X 9.0 B9020 M R20 X \f.5 8.0 9.0 LB LW 4; R8020 LW; R\f520 L 20 X 10.0 20 X 10.0 LA; B1020 LA R20 X 10.0 LA; R1020 LA 22 X \f.5 1022 22 \f.5; T/M 22 \f.5 8 A\b 191 1022 RC22 \f.5; T/M 22 \f.5 8 A\b 191 1122 22 \f.5; D 1\b522 22 \f.5; A AA2952 22 \f.5 1122 RC22 \f.5; D 22 \f.5D 1\b522 SR; F 22 \f.5 A AA2952 1 22 X \f.5 FL; B\f522 FL 22 X \f.5 FL; R22 X \f.5 FL; R\f522 FL 22 X \f.5 LB; 22 X \f.5DT LB 3; B\f522 LB; G22\f50B2 R22 X \f.5 8.0 9.0 LB LW; 22 X \f.5 8.0 DT LB LW3; R8022 22 X \f.5 LW; 22 X \f.50 LW; B\f522 LW; G22\f50B 2 R22 X \f.5 8.0 9.0 LB LW; 22 X \f.5 8.0 DT LB LW3; R8022 B\f522 KB R8022 KW B\f522 KW R8022 KW B\f522 KWX R8022 KW BW 5 22 X \f.5 BW 5 22 X \f.5 22 X 8.0 22 X 8.0 LW; 22 X 8.00 LW; B8022 LW; G22800B2 R22 X \f.5 8.0 9.0 LB LW; 22 X \f.5 8.0 DT LB LW3; R8022 B8022 KW R\f522 KW 24 X 8.0 B8024 LW R24 X \f.5 8.0 9.0 LB LW4; R8024 LW; R\f524 L B8024 KW R\f524 K 24 X 9.0 B9024 M R24 X \f.5 8.0 9.0 LB LW4; R8024 LW; R\f524 L 24 X 10.0 24 X 10.0 LA; B1024 LA R24 X 10.0 LA; R1024 LA EXAMPLES \fF TYP\bCAL R\bM C\fNT\fURS AND \bDENT\bF\bCAT\b\fN STAMP L\fCAT\b\fNS 2 PIE\bE \bURRENT PRODU\bTION : CR, DT, FL, LA, LB, LW, MS 2 PIE\bE \bURRENT PRODU\bTION : REDCO 3 PIE\bE \bURRENT PRODU\bTION : 5°, CR, FL, M DIS\bONTINUED : DUO, LTS, RHP DIS\bONTINUED: AR DIS\bONTINUED: RH5° DIS\bONTINUED: XL, RIP DIS\bONTINUED: K, K\f8, KB, KW, KWX DIS\bONTINUED: GREAT DANE, K H, DORSEY, TRAILMOBILE, STRICK CORP\b, FRUEHAUF www.os\fa.gov • (\b00) 321 OSHA (6742) • T TY (\b77) \b\b9 5627 OSHA\b3403\b10R 11 THIS CHART MUST BE PRINTED AT LEAST \f’ x 3’ MINIMUM SIZE\b
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- Original poster PDF https://www.osha.gov/Publications/wheel/3403multi-piece-rim-matching.pdf
, updated April 2020
- Osha Labor Law Posters at https://www.osha.gov/pls/publications/publication.athruz?pType=Types&pID=5
- Osha Occupational Safety & Health Administration
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