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New Mexico Free Printable Labor Law Posters Posters New Mexico Discrimination is against the Law Poster Required

 Discrimination is against the Law PDF

The Discrimination is against the Law is a labor law posters poster by the New Mexico Department Of Workforce Solutions. This is a mandatory posting for all employers in New Mexico, and businesses who fail to comply may be subject to fines or sanctions.

Updated 7/2023. This "Human Rights Act Poster", written in both English and Spanish, must be posted in a conspicuous place where all employees will see it. This poster describes the grounds on which employers CANNOT discriminate against employees and possible employees.

NM All-In-One Labor Poster: Instead of printing out dozens of posters, employers can also purchase an all-in-one poster that covers both New Mexico and Federal poster requirements by clicking here .

Discrimination	 is against the law.	
If you feel that you have been discriminated against, visit our website or contact us.	
Human Rights Bureau    
2600 Cerrillos Rd, Santa Fe, NM 87505
Office: (505) 827-6838 • Toll-free: (800)  566-9471 • Fax: (505) 827-6878	
Buró de Derechos Humanos
2600 Cerrillos Rd, Santa Fe, NM 87505	
Oficina: (505) 827-6838 • Línea Gratuita: (800)  566-9471 • Fax: (505)  827-6878	
Discriminación	 es contra la ley.	
Si siente que ha sido discriminado, visite nuestra página por Internet 	 	
o póngase en contacto con nosotros.
Rev. 	7/ 2023	
La Ley de	 Derechos Humanos de Nuevo MÉxico	
El Buró de Derechos Humanos impone las provisiones de la Ley de Derechos 
Humanos de 1969. Adicionalmente, el Buró de Derechos Humanos tiene un 
acuerdo de reparto de trabajo con la Comisión de Igualdad de Oportunidades 
en el Empleo (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, EEOC) para hacer 
cumplir las provisiones de la ley federal bajo el Título VII de la Ley de Derechos 
Civiles de 1964 (Civil Rights Act), la Ley de Discriminación por Edad en el 
Empleo de 1967 (Age Discrimination in Employment Act, ADEA), y la Ley de 
Americanos con Discapacidades de 1990 (Americans with Disabilities Act, ADA), 
todas según enmendadas. Las bases discriminatorias prohibidas incluyen:	
New Mexico	 Human Rights Act	
The Human Rights Bureau enforces the provisions of the Human Rights 
Act of 1969. Additionally, the Human Rights Bureau has a work-sharing 
agreement with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)  
to enforce the provisions of federal law under Title VII of the Civil Rights 
Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA), 
and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), all as amended. 
Prohibited discriminatory bases include:	
El acoso sexual y acoso basado en otras categorías protegidas están 
prohibidos por la Ley.
La Ley de Derechos Humanos prohíbe la discriminación en las áreas de 
empleo, alojamiento, el acceso al crédito, y hospedaje público, y prohíbe 
la represalia por quejas en cualquiera de estas áreas, o participar en una 
Si usted siente que ha sido discriminado, comuníquese con el Buró de 
Derechos Humanos por teléfono o complete el formulario de quejas por 
Internet en:	
Sexual harassment and harassment based on other protected categories 
is prohibited by the Act.
The Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination in the areas of 
employment, housing, credit, and public accommodations, and prohibits 
retaliation for complaining about discrimination in any of these areas, or 
participating in an investigation.
If you feel you have been discriminated against, contact the Human 
Rights Bureau by phone or fill out a complaint form online at:	
El Buró de Derechos Humanos del Departamento de Soluciones de Fuerza 
Laboral de Nuevo México investiga quejas de discriminación y acoso en el 
empleo, alojamiento, el acceso al crédito, y hospedaje público. 
Las quejas deben ser presentadas al Buró de Derechos Humanos dentro de 
300 días de que ocurrió el último acto de discriminación o acoso.
Para ayuda en completar una queja, o por cualquier otra información 
sobre la Ley de Derechos Humanos, por favor llame al (800) 566-9471 
(gratuitamente) o (505) 827-6838, o visite nuestra página por Internet en:	
The New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions Human Rights 
Bureau investigates complaints of discrimination and harassment in 
employment, housing, credit, and public accommodations.
Complaints must be filed with the Human Rights Bureau within 300 days 
of the last act of discrimination or harassment. 
For assistance in filing a complaint, or for any other information on the  
Human Rights Act, please call (800) 566-9471 (toll-free) or (505) 827-6838, 
or visit our website at:	
• Raza
• Color
• Origen Nacional
• Ascendencia
• Sexo
• Edad
• Religi	ón	
• Género	
• Race
• Color
• National Origin
• Ancestry
• Sex
• Age
• Religion
• Gender	
• Discapacidad Mental o Física o 
Condiciones Médicas Graves
• Orientación Sexual
• Identificación de Género
• Afiliación Nupcial
• Embarazo, Parto, o 	 	
Condición Relacionada	
• Physical or Mental Disability or 
Serious Medical Condition
• Sexual Orientation
• Gender Identity
• Spousal Affiliation
• Pregnancy, Childbirth, or	 	
Related Condition

Other New Mexico Labor Law Posters 4 PDFS

There are an additional fifteen optional and mandatory New Mexico labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print all relevant state labor law posters, as well as all mandatory federal labor law posters.

View all 16 New Mexico labor law posters

Get a 2025 New Mexico all-in-one labor law poster

Instead of printing out pages of mandatory New Mexico and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all New Mexico and federal posting requirements. Fully updated for 2025!

Get 2025 All-In-One Poster Now

Poster Sources:


While we do our best to keep our list of New Mexico labor law posters up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the poster on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By LaborPosters.org **
Source: http://www.laborposters.org/new-mexico/250-discrimination-is-against-the-law-poster.htm