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Connecticut Free Printable Labor Law Posters Posters Connecticut Paid Sick Leave Poster

 Paid Sick Leave  PDF

The Paid Sick Leave is a labor law posters poster by the Connecticut Department Of Labor. This is an optional poster, so while it is recommended that you post this if it is relevant to your employees, you are not required to by the Department Of Labor.

CT All-In-One Labor Poster: Instead of printing out dozens of posters, employers can also purchase an all-in-one poster that covers both Connecticut and Federal poster requirements by clicking here .

Connecticut General Statutes §§ 31‐57r ‐ 31‐57w – P aid Sick 	Leave	 	
Each employer with 50 or more employees based on the number of employees on its payroll for the week containing October	 	
1,  shall  provide  paid  sick  leave  annually  to each  of  its  service workers  in  the  state.  The  paid  sick  leave  shall  accrue  beginning	 	
January 1, 2012, for current employees, or for a se rvice worker hired after January 1, 2012, beginning  on the service 
worker's date of employment. 
The accrual is at a rate of one hour of paid sick l eave for each 40 hours 
worked by a service worker up to a maximum of 40 ho urs per year (the 
employer shall choose any 365-day period used to ca lculate employee 
benefits in order to administer paid sick leave). 
  No  service  worker  shall  be  entitled  to  use  more  tha n  the 
maximum number of accrued hours. 
Carry Over  
Each  service  worker  shall  be  entitled  to  carry  over   up  to  40  unused 
accrued  hours  of  paid  sick  leave  from  the  current  y ear  period  to  the 
following year period 
Use of Paid Sick Leave  
A  service  worker  shall  be  entitled  to  the  use  of  ac crued  paid  sick 
leave  upon  the  completion of  the  service  worker's  6 80	th hour  of 
  from January 1, 2012, for current service workers,  or 
   if  hired  after  January  1,  2012,  upon  the  completion   of  the 
service  worker's  680	
th  hour  of  employment  from  the  date of 
hire, unless the employer agrees to an earlier date . 	
A service  worker shall  not be  entitled to the  use o f accrued  paid  sick 
leave  if  such  service  worker  did  not  work  an  averag e  of  10  or  more 
hours a week for the employer in the most recent co mplete calendar 
Each  employer  shall  pay  each  service  worker  for  pai d  sick  leave  at  a 
pay rate equal to the greater of either 
  the normal hourly wage for that service worker, or 
   the  minimum  fair  wage  rate  under  section  31-58  of  t he 
general statutes in effect for the pay period durin g which the 
employee used paid sick leave. 
Reasons for Use of Leave  
A service worker may use paid sick leave for his or  her own: 
   illness, injury or health condition; 
   the medical diagnosis, care or treatment of his or  her mental 
illness or physical illness, injury or health condi tion; 
   preventative medical care; or 
   mental health wellness day  
A service worker may use paid sick leave for a chil d's or spouse's: 
   illness, injury or health condition; the medical di agnosis, 
   care  or  treatment  of  a  mental  or  physical  illness,  injury  or 
health condition; or 
   preventative medical care 
A service  worker may  use  paid sick leave  if the ser vice  worker or  the 
service  worker’s  child  or  ward  is a  victim  of  famil y  violence  or  sexual 
  for  medical  care  or  psychological  or  other  counseli ng  for 
physical or psychological injury or disability; 	
   to obtain services from a victim services organizat ion; 
   to relocate due to such family violence or sexual a ssault; 
   to  participate  in  any  civil  or  criminal  proceedings   related  to  or 
resulting from such family violence or sexual assau lt. 	
If leave is foreseeable, the employer may require a dvance notice. 
If  leave  is  unforeseeable,  the  employer  may  require   notice  as  soon  as 
Reasonable Documentation  
Documentation  for  paid  sick  leave  of  3  or  more  cons ecutive  work  days	 	
may be required 
  documentation  signed  by  a  health  care  provider  who  is  treating	
the  service  worker  or  the  service  worker's  child  or   spouse	 	
indicating the need for the number of days of such leave shall be	 	
considered reasonable documentation. 
   a  court  record  or  documentation  signed  by  a  service   worker or 
volunteer  working  for  a  victim  services  organizatio n, 	
attorney,  a  police  officer  or  other  counselor  involved  with 	the 	
service  worker  or  service  worker’s  child  or  ward  sh all  be	 	
considered  reasonable  documentation  for  a  victim  of  family 
violence or sexual assault. 
Prohibition of Retaliation or Discrimination  
No  employer  shall  take  retaliatory  personnel  action   or  discriminate 
against an employee because the employee: 
  requests  or  uses  paid  sick  leave  either  in  accordan ce  with 	
act; or 
   in accordance with the employer's own paid sick lea ve policy, as 
the case may be; or 
   files  a  complaint  with  the  Labor  Commissioner  alleg ing  the 
employer's violation of the act 
Collective Bargaining  
Nothing in the act shall diminish  any rights provid ed to any employee or 
service  worker  under  a  collective  bargaining  agreem ent,  or  preempt  or 
override the terms of any collective bargaining agr eement effecti	
ve prior 	
to January 1, 2012. 
Complaint Process  
Any  employee  aggrieved  by  a  violation  of  the  provis ions  of  the  law  may 
file  a  complaint  with  the  Labor  Commissioner.  Upon  receipt  of  any  such 
complaint,  said  Commissioner  may  hold  a  hearing.  Af ter  a  hear	
ing,  the 	
Commissioner may assess a civil penalty or award other relief. 
This is not the complete Paid Sick Leave law.  	Please contact 	
your Human Resources office for additional informat ion.      	
Effective 10/1/23

Other Connecticut Labor Law Posters 4 PDFS

There are an additional twelve optional and mandatory Connecticut labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print all relevant state labor law posters, as well as all mandatory federal labor law posters.

View all 13 Connecticut labor law posters

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Poster Sources:


While we do our best to keep our list of Connecticut labor law posters up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the poster on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By LaborPosters.org **
Source: http://www.laborposters.org/connecticut/4020-paid-sick-leave-poster.htm