Arkansas Workers’ Compensation Notice and Instructions to Employers and Employees (Form P) Poster

The Workers’ Compensation Notice and Instructions to Employers and Employees (Form P) is a labor law posters poster by the Arkansas Department Of Labor. This is a mandatory posting for all employers in Arkansas, and businesses who fail to comply may be subject to fines or sanctions.
This is an example of the mandatory Arkansas workers' compensation poster, known as Form P. This form will generally be provided to employers by their Workers' Compensation insurance provider, and must include specific information about the worker's compensation policy carried by the employer (including relevant claims office, contact information for the claims office, policy number, and policy expiration date).
In addition to mandatory information about the employer's insurance coverage, the poster provides Arkansas employees with essential information on how to proceed with a workers' compensation claim in the event of job-related injuries or occupational illnesses.
AR All-In-One Labor Poster: Instead of printing out dozens of posters, employers can also purchase an all-in-one poster that covers both Arkansas and Federal poster requirements by clicking here .
Form AR-PARKANSAS WORKERS’ COMPENSATION COMMISSION 324 Spring Street, Little Rock, AR 72201 Mail: P. O. Box 950, Little Rock, AR 72203-0950 Little Rock Office - 1-800-622-4472 / 501-682-3930 Springdale Office - 1-800-852-5376 / 479-751-2790P Ark. Code Ann. §11-9-403, 407 AWCC Rule7 Updated: 06-16-14 WORKERS’ COMPENSATION INSTRUCTIONS TO EMPLOYERS AND EMPLOYEES All employees of this establishment entitled to benefits under the provisions of the Arkansas workers’ compensation laws are hereby notified that their employer has secured the payment of such compensation as may at any time be due employees or their dependents. This employer is required by state law to provide workers’ compensation coverage or this employer has waived the exclusion or exemption from the operation of the workers’ compensation laws, and the employer certifies by the display of this poster that workers’ compensation coverage is now provided by a workers’ compensation insurance policy or by enrollment in the Arkansas Self-Insurance Program or by the Public Employee Claims Division of the Arkansas Insurance Department. (Place label indicating Insurer’s Name, Claims Office Address, Claims Office Phone Number and Policy Expiration Date) IN CASE OF JOB-RELATED INJURIES OR OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES The Employer Shall: 1.Provide all necessary medical, surgical and hospital treatment, as required by law, following the injury and for such additional time as ordered by the Workers’ Compensation Commission. 2.Provide compensation payments in accordance with the provisions of the law. The first installment of compensation becomes due on the 15th day after the employer has notice of the injury or death, except in those cases where liability has been denied by the employer. 3.Provide prompt reporting of accidents to appropriate parties. 4.Keep a record of all injuries received by its employees. The Employee Shall: The employee shall report the injury to the employer on Form N and to a person or at a place specified by the employer, unless the injury either renders the employee physically or mentally unable to do so, or the injury is made known to the employer immediately after it occurs. The employer shall not be responsible for disability, medical, or other benefits prior to receipt of the employee’s notice of injury. All reporting procedures specified by the employer must be reasonable and shall afford each employee reasonable notice of the reporting requirements. The foregoing shall not apply when an employee requires emergency medical treatment outside the employer’s normal business hours; however, in that event, the employee shall cause a report of the injury to be made to the employer on the employer’s next regular business day. Failure to give such notice shall not bar any claim (1) if the employer had knowledge of the injury or death, (2) if the employee had no knowledge that the condition or disease arose out of and in the course of employment, or (3) if the Commission excuses such failure on the grounds that for some satisfactory reason such notice could not be given. Objection to failure to give notice must be made at or before the first hearing on the claim. Statutory Information: Ark. Code Ann. § 11-9-514(b) states: “Treatment or services furnished or prescribed by any physician other than the ones selected according to the foregoing, except emergency treatment, shall be at the claimant’s expense.” Ark. Code Ann. § 11-9-514(f), however, indicates: When compensability is controverted, subsection (b) shall not apply if: (1)The employee requests medical assistance in writing prior to seeking the same as a result of an alleged compensable injury; and (2)The employer refuses to refer the employee to a medical provider within forty-eight (48) hours after such written request as provided above; and (3)The alleged injury is later found to be a compensable injury; and (4)The employer has not made a previous offer of medical treatment. If you have any questions regarding your rights under the Arkansas workers’ compensation laws, you may call an Arkansas Workers’ Compensation Commission legal advisor at our toll-free number listed above. All employers who come within the operation of the Arkansas workers’ compensation laws and have complied with its provisions must post this notice in a CONSPICUOUS place in or about their place or places of business. P Information about Form P is available from the Support Services Division (1-800-622-4472 or 501-682- 3930).AWCC Form P (Posting Notice) A posting notice is mentioned in Ark. Code Ann. §11-9-403, Ark. Code Ann. §11-9-407 and AWCC Rule 7. AWCC Form P satisfies all requirements. Form P: 1. Is to be on display in a conspicuous place; 2. Tells employers what to do when an employee is injured; 3. Instructs employees to notify the employer immediately (or no later than the close of the next business day) when injured; 4. Lists the claims office that will be handling the insurance aspects of the case; 5. Gives the claims office telephone number; 6. Announces the expiration date of the insurance policy; and 7. Provides telephone numbers for Arkansas Workers' Compensation Commission legal advisors if either party needs assistance. Employers without Form P may lose the use of Form N as a defense in litigation. Employees disobeying instructions on Form P may delay their benefits or jeopardize the awarding of any benefits in a contested case. The AWCC furnishes samples, not supplies, of Form P. Carriers are to send their insureds an adequate number, and self-insureds must arrange with a printer for the supply they need. Carriers and employers may enlarge Form P for posting purposes. Ark. Code Ann. §11-9-106(a): “Any person or entity who willfully and knowingly makes any material false statement or representation, who willfully and knowingly omits or conceals any material information, or who willfully and knowingly employs any device, scheme, or artifice for the purpose of: obtaining any benefit or payment; defeating or wrongfully increasing or wrongfully decreasing any claim for benefit or payment; or obtaining or avoiding workers’ compensation coverage or avoiding payment of the proper insurance premium, or who aids and abets for any of said purposes, under this chapter shall be guilty of a Class D felony. Fifty percent (50%) of any criminal fine imposed and collected under .... this section shall be paid and allocated in accordance with applicable law to the Death and Permanent Total Disability Trust Fund administered by the Workers’ Compensation Commission.”
Other Arkansas Labor Law Posters
There are an additional five optional and mandatory Arkansas labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print all relevant state labor law posters, as well as all mandatory federal labor law posters.
View all 6 Arkansas labor law posters
Get a 2025 Arkansas all-in-one labor law poster
Instead of printing out pages of mandatory Arkansas and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all Arkansas and federal posting requirements. Fully updated for 2025!
Get 2025 All-In-One Poster NowPoster Sources:
- Original poster PDF
, updated June 2023
- Arkansas Labor Law Posters at
- Arkansas Department Of Labor
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