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West Virginia Free Printable Labor Law Posters Posters West Virginia The WV Wage Payment and Collection Act Poster Required

 The WV Wage Payment and Collection Act PDF

The The WV Wage Payment and Collection Act is a labor law posters poster by the West Virginia Division of Labor . This is a mandatory posting for all employers in West Virginia, and businesses who fail to comply may be subject to fines or sanctions.

This poster must be posted in a conspicuous place by all employers so that all employees can see it. This poster describes how often employers must have paydays as well as when wages get paid in various circumstances and what employers cannot do with regard to their employees.

WV All-In-One Labor Poster: Instead of printing out dozens of posters, employers can also purchase an all-in-one poster that covers both West Virginia and Federal poster requirements by clicking here .

1900 Kanawha Boulevard East  -  State Capitol Complex –  Building 3, Room 200  - Charleston, WV 25305  
Telephone:  (304)558 -7890                        labor. wv.gov	
    Fax: (304)558- 3797  	
This abstract must be placed in an area accessible to all employees in accordance  with the  requirements of W. Va. 
Code §21 -5 -9.   
Pay employee wages at least twice a month, with no more than 19 days between paydays.  
Compensate employees for services rendered by cash, check, direct deposit, or money order, and make arrangements 
with a bank convenient to the place of employment for employees to have immediate access to their wages.   
When an empl oyee is discharged, quits, resigns, is laid off, or is on strike, pay the employee on or before the next regularly 
scheduled payday for all work he or she performed prior to his or her separation from employment.  
On separation from employment, pay an empl oyee the fringe benefits due and payable according to the time, terms, and 
conditions of an employer -employee agreement, whether verbal or written, if any.  
Notify employees in writing at the time of hire, or by a posted notice that is accessible to all employees, identifying the 
employer’s established work week, pay periods, regularly scheduled pay days, and employment practices and policies 
regarding vacation, sick leave and other fringe benefits, if any . 
Provide employees with at least 1 full pay peri od’s written notice before making any changes to an employee’s rate of 
pay, fringe benefits, the time and place for meeting payroll, or any other existing terms or conditions of employment.  
Furnish each employee with a written itemized statement of deduct ions withheld from his or her wages each pay period.  
Selling goods or supplies to employees at prices higher than the current market value.  
Deducting more than 25% of an employee’s net earnings under a wage assignment (excluding amounts required by law 
to be withheld or paid for union or club dues, pension plans, payroll savings plans, credit unions, charities, and 
hospitalization and medical insurance).  
Accepting a wage assignment that does not contain the employee's  notarized signature, specify the total amount due and 
the amount to be deducted, and state that 75% of the employee's net wages are exempt from assignment.  
Refusing to pay wages owed, up to $800.00, to the relatives of a deceased employee.	
              Revised  January 2018

Other West Virginia Labor Law Posters 4 PDFS

There are an additional three optional and mandatory West Virginia labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print all relevant state labor law posters, as well as all mandatory federal labor law posters.

View all 4 West Virginia labor law posters

Get a 2025 West Virginia all-in-one labor law poster

Instead of printing out pages of mandatory West Virginia and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all West Virginia and federal posting requirements. Fully updated for 2025!

Get 2025 All-In-One Poster Now

Poster Sources:


While we do our best to keep our list of West Virginia labor law posters up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the poster on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By LaborPosters.org **
Source: http://www.laborposters.org/west-virginia/366-the-wv-wage-payment-and-collection-act-poster.htm