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Texas Free Printable Labor Law Posters Posters Texas Hazard Communication Act Worker Right-to-Know Notice Poster

 Hazard Communication Act Worker Right-to-Know Notice PDF

The Hazard Communication Act Worker Right-to-Know Notice is a labor law posters poster by the Texas Workforce Commission. This poster is mandatory for some employers, including public employers whose employees may be exposed to chemicals.

Public employers whose employees may be exposed to hazardous chemicals in the workplace must post this notice, along with specific information about the chemicals they may be exposed to in the workplace.

TX All-In-One Labor Poster: Instead of printing out dozens of posters, employers can also purchase an all-in-one poster that covers both Texas and Federal poster requirements by clicking here .

The  Texas  Hazard  Communication  Act,  codified  as  Chapter  502  of  the  Texas  Health  and  Safety  Code, 
requires public employers to provide employees with specific information on the hazards of chemicals to 
which employees may be exposed in 	the workplace. As required by law, your employer must provide you 	
with certain information and training. A brief summary of the law follows.	 HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS  	
Hazardous chemicals are any products or materials 
that  present  any  physical  or 	health  hazards  when 	
used,  unless  they  are  exempted  under  the  law. 
Some  examples  of  more  commonly  used 
hazardous  chemicals  are  fuels,  cleaning  products, 
solvents,  many  types  of  oils,  compressed  gases, 
many  types  of  paints,  pesticides,  herbicides, 
refrigeran	ts,  laboratory  chemicals,  cement, 	
welding rods, etc.	 
Employers  must  develop  a  list  of  hazardous 
chemicals  used  or  stored  in  the  workplace  in 
excess of 55 gallons or 500 pounds. This list shall 
be  updated  by  the  employer  as  necessary	,  but  at 	
least  annually,  and  be  made  readily  available  for 
employees and their representatives on request.	   
Employers shall provide training to newly assigned 
employees  before  the  employees  work  in  a  work 
area  containing  a 	hazardous  chemical.  Covered 	
employees  shall  receive  training  from  the	 	
employer  on  the  hazards  of  the  chemicals  and  on 
the measures they can take to protect themselves 
from  those  hazards.    This  training  shall  be 
repeated  as  needed,  but  at  least  whenever  new	 	
hazards  are  introduced  into the  workplace  or  new 
information is received on the chemicals which are 
already present.	  SAFETY DATA SHEETS  	
Employees  who  may  be  exposed  to  hazardous 
chemicals shall be informed of the exposure by the 
employer and shall have r	eady access to the most 	
current  Safety  Data  Sheets  (SDSs)  or  Material 
Safety  Data  Sheets  (MSDSs)  if  an  SDS  is  not 
available  yet,  which  detail  physical  and  health 
hazards  and  other  pertinent  information  on  those 
Employees  shall  not  be 	required  to  work  with 	
hazardous  chemicals  from  unlabeled  containers 
except portable containers for immediate use, the 
contents of which are known to the user.	 
Employees have rights to:	 	
	acc	ess copies of SDSs (or an MSDS 	if an	
SDS is not av	ailable yet)	
	information on their chemical exposures	
	receive training on chemical hazards	
	receive appropriate protective equipment	
	file complaints, assist inspectors, or testify
against their employer	
Employees may not be discharged or discriminated 
aga	inst  in  any  manner  for  the  exercise  of  any 	
rights  provided  by  this  Act.  A  waiver  of  employee 
rights  is  void;  an  employer’s  request  for  such  a 
waiver is a violation of the Act. Employees may file 
complaints  with  the  Texas  Department  of  State 
Health  Services	 	at  the  telephone  numbers 	
provided below.	 	
Further information may be obtained from:	 

Texas Departmen
t of State  Healt h Services 
Consumer Protection Division 
Environmental  Operations Branch
PO  Box  149347, MC  2835    
Austin,  TX 78714-9347     
 Worker Right-T
o-Know Program 
Publication #  23-14173 
Revised  May 2022
 834 -6787

(800)  293-0753  (toll-free)

Fax:  (512) 834 -6614
E-mail: [email protected] 
Website : www.dshs.texas.gov/hazcom

Other Texas Labor Law Posters 4 PDFS

There are an additional thirteen optional and mandatory Texas labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print all relevant state labor law posters, as well as all mandatory federal labor law posters.

View all 14 Texas labor law posters

Get a 2025 Texas all-in-one labor law poster

Instead of printing out pages of mandatory Texas and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all Texas and federal posting requirements. Fully updated for 2025!

Get 2025 All-In-One Poster Now

Poster Sources:


While we do our best to keep our list of Texas labor law posters up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the poster on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By LaborPosters.org **
Source: http://www.laborposters.org/texas/3866-chemical-hazard-right-to-know-notice-poster.htm