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District Of Columbia Free Printable Labor Law Posters Posters District Of Columbia Building Service Employees Minimum Work Week Act Poster

 Building Service Employees Minimum Work Week Act PDF

The Building Service Employees Minimum Work Week Act is a labor law posters poster by the District Of Columbia Office Of Human Rights. This poster is mandatory for some employers, including employers in certain on-site occupations in the construction, drilling, logging and mining industries.

This poster contains information for employees and their employers in regard to employee minimum workweek rights in the building service sector. It notes that all employees who are covered by this act must work a minimum of 30 hours at least. This notice must be posted in an easily accessible place in the work area. Employers are required to post this notice in English as well as any other language that the employees primarily speak who are limited to speaking English. It is also required for employers to inform their employees about the procedures in filing a complaint that relates to this Act.

DC All-In-One Labor Poster: Instead of printing out dozens of posters, employers can also purchase an all-in-one poster that covers both District Of Columbia and Federal poster requirements by clicking here .

4058 Minnesota Avenue, NE • Suite 3 600 • Washington, D.C. 20019 • Office: 202-671 -1880   • Fax: 202 -673-6411  	
Department of Employment Services  	
D.C. Act 21 -485  (Act) , also known as the Building Service Employees Minimum Work Week Act of 
Under this Act, covered employees  shall be scheduled to work  the minimum work week of  at least 30 hours. 
What is a Building Service Employee  
•  A covered employee who performs janitorial services, building maintenance services, or other services in or around a 
covered location to maintain the repair, cleanliness, and overall quality of the covered location or place of business . 
Certain exceptions apply  
•  When a covered employee  is taking covered leave, the  leave shall count towards the 30 -h our minimum work week; 
provided  that at each covered location , up to 20 % of the work hours that are available  for covered employees engaged in 
cleaning service may be preserved for part -time covered employees with a minimum shift of 4 hours per night and 20 
hours per week per covered employee for up to a total of 10  part-time positions permitted per covered locat ion.  
Posting Requirements  
•  A covered employer shall post and maintain the notice in a conspicuous place , which shall be prescribed by the Mayor 
and pro vided to each covered employer that  shall include excerpts or summaries of the pertinent provisions of this  Act 
and information about filing of a complaint pursuant to the A ct.  
•   A covered employer shall post every notice required to be posted by this act in English and all languages spoken by 
covered employees with limited or no -English proficiency, as defi ned in section 2 of the Language Access Act of 2004, 
effective June 19, 2004 (D.C.  Law 15 -167;D.C. Official Code g 2 -t931). (b) A covered employer who fails to comply with 
the posting requirements of this section shall be subject to the penalty set forth . (See section 8 of the Act for penalties )  
•  A covered employer who willfully violates the posting requirements of section 5 shall be assessed a civil penalty not to 
exceed $100 for each day that the covered employer fails to post the notice; prov ided, that the total penalty shall not 
exceed $500.   
•   A covered employer who fails to comply with any of the requirements of this act, other than the posting requirements, 
shall be subject to a fine of not more than $5,000 for each violation for each day th at the violation continues. For the 
first violation, a maximum fine of up to (A)  $500 will be imposed ; and (B) for any subsequent violation, a maximum fine 
of up to $1,000.    
For the complete text of the Building Service Employees Minimum Work Week Act of 2016, go to  D.C. 
Act 21 -485.   
If you have any questions, please contact or visit: Department of Employment Services, Office of Wage -
Hour, 4058 Minnesota Avenue, SE, Suite 360 0, Washington, D.C. 20019, (202) 671-1880.

Other District Of Columbia Labor Law Posters 4 PDFS

There are an additional 22 optional and mandatory District Of Columbia labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print all relevant state labor law posters, as well as all mandatory federal labor law posters.

View all 23 District Of Columbia labor law posters

Get a 2025 District Of Columbia all-in-one labor law poster

Instead of printing out pages of mandatory District Of Columbia and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all District Of Columbia and federal posting requirements. Fully updated for 2025!

Get 2025 All-In-One Poster Now

Poster Sources:


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** This Document Provided By LaborPosters.org **
Source: http://www.laborposters.org/district-of-columbia/1259-dc-building-service-poster.htm