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Health Free Printable Workplace Posters Posters Health Dialysis Facility - How our facility is keeping patients safe from COVID-19 Poster

 Dialysis Facility - How our facility is keeping patients safe from COVID-19 PDF

The Dialysis Facility - How our facility is keeping patients safe from COVID-19 is a Health workplace posters poster.

Resource for dialysis facilities to distribute to patients about how they are reducing the risk of COVID-19 in patients and staff.

Federal All-In-One Labor Poster: All businesses must display certain mandatory labor law posters. Purchase an all-in-one poster that covers all Federal requirements by clicking here .

How our facility is keeping patients safe	 
from COVID-19 	
 Accessible Version:  https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/dialysis/screening.html	
Our outpatient dialysis facility is prepared for the possible arrival of patients with coronavirus disease 
2019 (COVID-19). We are committed to keeping patients safe and are taking the following steps to 
reduce the risk of COVID-19 in our patients and staff:
• We are providing extra training for staff 
and education for patients about the 
importance of hand hygiene, facemasks, 
respiratory hygiene,and cough etiquette. 
Tissues, alcohol-based hand sanitizer, and  trash cans will be provided in the waiting 
area and treatment area.  Soap and water 
will continue to be available at all handwashing  
sinks and in the restrooms.
• We are monitoring all staff for symptoms of  COVID-19.
We are instructing staff who have symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g.,  fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, muscle aches, 
tiredness) to stay home and not come to work. 
• We are monitoring patients on dialysis 
and visitors for symptoms of COVID-19.
Call ahead if you have fever, new cough,  sore throat, tiredness, muscle aches or 
shortness of breath. This allows us to 
plan for your arrival and take infection 
prevention steps to keep you safe.
Call us at: 
• We are prepared to quickly identify and separate patients 
with symptoms of COVID-19. 
All patients will be screened upon entry to the facility and  instructed to continue wearing their cloth face covering (or 
offered a facemask, if available).  Patients with symptoms of 
COVID-19 will be treated in a separate area or at a corner or 
end-of-row station, away from the main flow of traffic.
This may affect your chair location, treatment time or day,  or you may need to be transferred to another facility based 
on symptoms or diagnosis of COVID-19. 	
• We are training staff about proper use of  
personal protective equipment for  
You may see a change in the personal  protective equipment (i.e. gowns, masks, 
gloves) that staff are asked to wear.
• We are continuing our routine cleaning and disinfection 
procedures as these procedures are recommended for 
protecting patients from COVID-19 in dialysis settings.
Any surface, supplies, or equipment located within the  patient station will continue to be disinfected or discarded. 
We will ensure any surface, supplies or equipment located 
within 6 feet of an ill patient is disinfected or discarded.
• We are limiting staff and visitors coming into the  
dialysis facility. 
We are limiting non-essential staff entry  into the dialysis facility by exploring ways to 
provide care to patients remotely (e.g., using 
telehealth options). 
We are restricting visitor access to only  those who are essential for the patient’s 
care.  Visitors will be screened for fever and symptoms of 
COVID-19 prior to entry.  Visitors will be asked to wear 
their cloth face covering and limit their movement in the 
• We are encouraging patients and staff to share all 
questions and concerns related to COVID-19. 
Don’t be afraid to use your voice. It is okay   to askstaff questions about treatment  
changes and waysto protect yourself and 
your family. 
• We are staying up-to-date with the latest information from 
CDC’s COVID-19 web page: www.cdc.gov/coronavirus .
Thank you for everything you are doing to keep yourself and  your loved ones safe. We will keep you informed about any 
new precautionswe think are necessary.  Please feel free to 
contact us with additional questions.  
CS 316157-A    05/11/2020

Other Health Labor Law Posters 4 PDFS

There are an additional -1 optional and mandatory Health labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print all relevant state labor law posters, as well as all mandatory federal labor law posters.

View all 0 Health labor law posters

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Poster Sources:


While we do our best to keep our list of Health labor law posters up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the poster on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By LaborPosters.org **
Source: http://www.laborposters.org/health/3573-covid-19-dialysis-facility-safety-poster-poster.htm